Showing posts with label saint pierre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saint pierre. Show all posts

The first Christians in Antioch used for secret meetings of the cave

Saint-Pierre Church, carved into the rocks west of Mount Stauris depth of 13 meters, 9.5 meters wide and 7 meters high, consists of a cave. The first Christians in Antioch used for secret meetings in this cave is considered one of the oldest churches in Christianity.
Antioch, Tarsus and brought Paul and Barnabas in Acts of the Bible ever, spread Christianity in Antioch, and a year working together, who believe in this religion 'Christian' name is known to occur in Antioch administration. This is in addition to information from Antioch, Paul and Peter, with his letter to Galatians discussed the status of Christianity, states that on that day. Church of Antioch, where Peter, the founder of the Christian tradition of the Christian community has accepted as the first başpapazı.

The church floor mosaic of the early period to the present only the parts and the right of the altar, wall boyamalarının traces remained. Christians gathered here on the mountain tunnel that was once thought to have been used to escape during the raids. Used for the baptism of water seeping into the rocks collected yalakta. Until very recently, by accepting visitors medicinal drink, take them to the patients has decreased because of the earthquakes in this water leak.

Stone in the middle of the altar of the church on the Feast of the Chair of Saint Pierre, formerly celebrated on February 21 for Antioch, has placed a stone pulpit. In 1932 and placed on the marble altar and a statue of Saint Pierre. In 1098 the Crusaders who captured Antioch, the church put out a few yards to the front line of two arches plausible explanation. This front in 1863, Pope IX. Took action to restore the affairs of the request is made again by the priests of Pius'un Kapuçin. Restoration III. Contributed to Napoleon. The church remains standing to the left of the entrance porch at the back was a time in front of the front facade.

The garden is known to be used as a cemetery a few hundred years. The tombs were found on the inside of the church, particularly in the vicinity of the altar. Today the church is a museum with the permission of the governor's office under the supervision of the month can be the museum directorate.