Animal head ornaments, stars, sky and tree of life motifs used in the madrasas
Crown doors with double minarets, and the decorations on the door, the most glorious part of the structure. 12 species per animal ornaments, stars, and used the tree of life motifs. The minarets of chipped limestone walls of the madrasa, 25 meters long.
Two-storey four-iwan scheme is applied with an open courtyard Gok Medrese alleged a theology school. A masterpiece of plastic art in light of the crown at the door of marble material affect the overall look of the shadow system. In addition, glazed brick and blue tile masonry brick minaret braided crown gives more importance to the door. Three-segmented arch to the left of the facade, a two-line inscription to the front and the three aspects of circulating fountain hareketlendirmiştir geometric bordürüyle. This mobility of the left and right side windows, and look like complete bekitme towers. Door, entered the top two corner crown inside the madrasa is filling the heads of animals.
Minaret of the geometrical sizes of the column bases down from the marble surface, a large, plastic case, and view text and made symmetrical floral motifs. Madrasa mosque entrance is located on the right. Wooden pulpit made later. A large part of the niche, has survived to the present day. Verse-el Kursi written on the tile is coated with. The slopes of the dome of the mosque and the dome is provided with triangles tile tezyinatlıdır transition.
Domed room is square to the left of the entrance part of the Dar-ul-Hadith. Interior walls were plastered. Cover with a rectangular inner courtyard in the middle of a pool must be open. Today, the building blocks of marble still remains in the pool. The largest known pool of Seljuk Anatolia. 22 square poligonil has a plan. To the north and south are part of a portico with six columns was built on. In this behind the porticos small cells entered the gates. Eastern direction, and inscriptions in the stone instead of the main iwan, a wall collapsed. Tezyinatla is decorated with tiles in the north and south side iwans.