Russia's famous singer in concert at the confluence of the scene took place in Kemer Yolka'nın

Russia's famous singer in the tourist district of Antalya and Kemer Yolka'nın concert stampede took place on stage. Tickets exhausted from the day before the concert, dance and Russian holidaymakers enjoyed like crazy till dawn.

In Russia, writing lyrics, television programming, which also sold out the day before the singer Yolka'nın Belt concert tickets. Hundreds of singers who want to listen to their favorite holiday of Russian tourists in Kemer, they do, the club is completely filled. Closely with the popular singer on stage in front of the board to see the runway and Russian tourists who want to touch him, caused by a crush on the runway.

The remaining approximately two hours on stage with songs old and new albums Yolka, Kemer, not only for the concert, the future is often said to make a holiday, the Russians now better understand why they prefer the Kemer for the holidays, he said.

Yolka'nın followers of the Russian and local vacationers with songs like crazy till late at night dancing and having fun at night, then DJs from the scene continued their music till dawn.habertürk

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