Ankara says Trump's Middle East arrangement would take Palestinian land

Turkey expelled U.S. President Donald Trump's Middle East arrangement on Jan. 28 as an endeavor to take Palestinian grounds and slaughter off possibilities of setting up a Palestinian state close by Israel.

Palestinian land

"This arrangement is an addition plan that is planned for slaughtering the two-state arrangement and taking Palestinian grounds," Turkey's Foreign Ministry said in an announcement, depicting Trump's proposition as "stillborn".

Palestinian land

"This is an extension plan targeting usurping Palestinian grounds and executing the two-state arrangement," the service stated, including that Palestinian individuals and terrains can't be bought.

Focusing on that Jerusalem was a red line according to Turkey, the announcement said Ankara would not let Israel legitimize its occupation and abuse.

"We will consistently remain by the selfless individuals of Palestine. We will keep on working for a free Palestine inside Palestinian terrains."

The announcement inferred that Turkey would not bolster any arrangement that isn't acknowledged by the Palestinian specialists, including that harmony in the Middle East would not be gotten if strategies dependent on occupation didn't end.

In the interim, the delegate executive of Turkey's decision Justice and Development Party (AKP) likewise condemned Trump's arrangement.

"No, Trump! Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state and the core of the Islamic world!" Numan Kurtulmuş said in a tweet.

Turkey's parliament speaker additionally scrutinized the harmony plan, saying "Jerusalem is constantly a red line for us."

"Turkey's position on the Palestinian issue is in accordance with universal law and authenticity," Mustafa Şentop said in a tweet.

"The one-sided 'Plan' reported by the POTUS [President of the United States] is an endeavor a long way from seeing the Palestinian issue &the status of Jerusalem and is destined to fall flat," Şentop noted.

On Jan. 28, Trump discharged his oft-deferred plan to end the Israel-Palestine contest in the White House where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was available, though Palestinian specialists were not spoken to. During the news meeting, Trump alluded to Jerusalem as "Israel's unified capital".

Palestine's Hamas denounced the provisions of the understanding saying: "This arrangement doesn't worth the paper it's composed on and Jerusalem will stay for Palestinians."

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