Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts

documentary video about the secret of the tomb of Nemrut Dagi, and there

Located in one of the most remote areas of Eastern Turkey and considered the eighth wonder of the ancient world, Mount Nemrud has been shrouded in mystery for more than 2000 years. At 7,700 feet above sea level and containing a 150-foot high tumulus flanked by colossal statues, the Mount Nemrud sanctuary has become synonymous with absolute grandeur.
Through the use of on-site interviews with world renowned scholars, 3-D computer animations, and battle reinactments, the filmmakers journey back in time to recreate history. Incorporating rare archival footage of excavations and memoirs of dedicated archaeologists such as Otto Puchstein and Theresa Goell are also.

The legendary Amazons, women warriors known as the city

Ancient Greek name of the city Amisus Amisos or so later Amiso Eis "Amisosa" this name is used as a form of the Roman and Byzantine period Samsus Samsunta or used . The legendary female warriors known as Amazons, Thermedon Tea near the town of Themiskyra their ancient historians are established.
A better breasts, cut in a variety of sources, which is rumored to abdicate the arrow and the many names mentioned in the legend of the Amazons, Samsun, and the date and region acceptance of cultural values ​​because of the Terme district of the names of each year a festival is held.

Establishing the state's oldest community living within the borders of the province of Samsun, Kaşkalar'dır mentioned in Hittite sources. Hittites, Phrygians, Cimmerians, Lydians, who moved to the Black Sea and the Aegean to the last word in the management of the city Miletos became the owner. Persians, king of Lydia Krezüs'u yenmeleriyle Amisos, Empire was conquered by the Persians. Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great defeated the Persians in 331 BC, into the hands of the Amisos, founded by Alexander the death of Mithridates, satrap of Persia took place within the borders of Pontus, more importantly, was the capital of this state. BC 1 Amisos century which was dominated by the Roman Empire, Roman Empire, the separation into two remained within the borders of the Byzantine Empire. Amisos, 860 in the time of the Abbasid Caliph Omar the Terrible Mutassım'ın Royal British force led by the order is captured by the Byzantines were taken back again. Samsun is besieged by the Turks into Anatolia Danişmendliler also could not be together. This is a point away from the city of Samsun on the Danişmendliler that time have built a castle.
Samsun Anatolian Seljuk Muslim settlements in the time of the Anatolian Seljuk rule was in 1185. After the Crusades, including the capital city of Trabzon Samsun Trabzon Greek Empire, which was dominated, as a result of Cenevizliler'in take back 100 years to the Black Sea trade was dominated by the Genoese. This dates the Muslim Turks live in Samsun Samsun, located 3 km from the Genoese trading site called the Gavur Samsun Samsun or Black. Samsun, Bayezid I in 1389 part of the territories of the Ottoman time. The Anatolian Seljuk State was the capital of the principality was in decline Canik.

The number of people living in the Ottoman census in 1893 in Samsun 67,624 people. 33,419 of these 'u (% 49) consists of the Turks. Samsun is the Greek population of 32,925 people (49%). This half of the Greeks from the Turks in the half of the population consists of Samsun. Muslims in the city is equal to the number of Christians.

Iliad, mentioned in the ancient city of Troy, Trojan War passes

Formerly known as Troy or Troy (Hittite: Vilusa or Truvisa, Greek: Τροία, Ίλιον Troy or Ilion, Latin: Troy or Ilium), thought to have been written by Homer in the Iliad, one of the two mentioned in verse epic war passes the ancient city of Troy.
The ancient Mount Ida (Kaz Dagi), on the outskirts is located in the province of Canakkale. In the 1870s by the German amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the ancient city, near the village of Tevfikiye works largely from Turkey, Germany and Russia. The ancient city, the World Heritage List since 1988, the National Park status since 1996.

French is the language of the ancient city, the effect of "Troi" In reading the word in Turkish, the word in Troy, now replaced by "Troy" has started to leave. If the main reason the city's historical and internationally, "Troy" and is known as the Turkish accurate reading of the word "Trojan" is. But the issue is still controversial. In particular name is common in old documents, the Trojan and the Trojan War is still common name as in the case of Troy, to name some.
The ancient city, the center of the town of Canakkale Tevfikiye west of the village, "Hisarlik Hill" is located at (39 ° 58'K, 26 ° 13). Hill, 200x150m size, 31.2-altitude, and also a large part of the limestone layer.

Hisarlik a hill where the ancient city's long-term bilinmesede, the hill of the archaeological remains in the region, such as the name implies, is near the surface and therefore was called the local sakinlerince hill Hisarlik savunulabilinir opinion. In addition, when it was established the city of Troy Hill Hisarlik, KARAMENDERES and Dümrek River, flows into the bay at the edge of a drop-down her throat, and Gallipoli, it is now thought to a place much closer to the sea.

And given the name of the city, where, today, about the historical district of Çanakkale Province Troas, representing the Asian continent (or Troad) is called.

Information about the architectural works of the ruins of Ephesus

The Temple of Artemis

The Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, is the first temple built of marble foundations of the ancient world before Christ 7 goes back to centuries. Structure built by the Lydian king Croesus dedicated to the goddess Artemis, the Greek architect and designed by Chersiphron Pheidias, the most important sculptors, Polycleitus, Kresilas and adorned with bronze statues that were built by Phradmon. Size: 130 x 68 meters, and other frontline Artemis (Mother Goddess) temple was to the west, such as. The temple and the marketplace, but also used as a religious institution. Who want to immortalize the name of the Temple of Artemis, BC July 21 356'da Herostratus burned by a Greek named. Alexander the Great was born the same night. After the conquest of Anatolia by Alexander the Great had offered to help but was rejected for the reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis. Today was the temple only a few marble blocks.

Ephesus Celsus Library

One of the most beautiful structure of Roman times, the building and the library, and worked as a grave monument. MS106 governor Celsus died in Ephesus, the son of his father's library was built as a monument and grave. The sarcophagus is under the west wall of the library. Facade has been restored between 1970-1980. Rolls of books in the library, stored in niches in the walls.

Virgin Mary's House

St. Mary, the mother of Jesus Bülbüldağı'nda last years. John is a place of pilgrimage for kilisedir.Hıristiyanlar with geçirdiğine believed to have been visited, and some popes sides. Although it is believed to be dead here in the tomb of Mary, the Bülbüldağı'nda the tomb of Mary of the period, as described in the Bible and is believed to be Silifke'sinde selefkosunda today.

seven Sleepers

Byzantine era graves in this place which is brought into the church, fleeing the persecution of pagans by the time of Decius refuge on the slopes of Mount Fair, which is rumored seven Christian young men believed to be the cave. Within the boundaries of the cave in the world who claim to be their own resources according to most Christian city of 33 even though the city considered sacred by Christians Efes'tir. In Turkey, the most well known and visited the cave of the Seven Sleepers in the cave of the period and an important center of St. Paul's birthplace, Tarsus'takidir. Old name last Afsin Arab sources in the form of Efsus report prepared by the delegation of scientists and the local court in a case opened with the claim of discovery has increased. Seven Sleepers the other Lice'dedir Turkey.

On top of a church in Ephesus, the cave was unearthed in the excavation of a state between the years 1927-1928, 5 and 6 as a result of the excavation century were found in the tombs. Seven Uyurlar'a inscriptions and tombs as well as inside the church is dedicated.

Mosaic Museum, the temple's floor mosaics exhibited in a museum Misis

Misis Mosaic Museum, Adana Yuregir Misis metropolitan district of the town, which is active since 1959 and remain in the ancient city of Misis, 4 late-century floor mosaics exhibited in a museum in the temple. Depends on the Museum of London Archaeology. Adana, 26 kilometers away.
Misis ancient city located within the boundaries of the floor mosaics of the basilica in 1956, the German archaeologists who excavated Mound Misis Prof. delegation. Dr. H. And Dr. Theodor Bossert. Were revealed by Ludwig Budde. Mosaics from the mound to protect the museum has been established. During the flood of Noah's ark devrien Byzantine mosaics depicted the animals. In the form of a table or stand in the middle of the mosaic is made ​​of Noah's Flood in and around the ship, where a flock of 23 birds and poultry, wild and domestic animals in this group are around. Glass brick walls of the museum is composed of light to pass.

Kadirli Anavarza Castle, at the intersection of the boundaries of the district of Ceyhan and Kozan

Anavarza Castle, Anavarza; Kadirli, at the intersection of Ceyhan and the Kozan district boundaries, are within the boundaries of Kozan. Ceyhan, 35 km. away from the Ceyhan-Kozan on the edge of ruin. Contour is used as a recreation area.
The name of the important centers of the plain of Cilicia, the ancient sources Anavarza'nın Anazarbos, Anazarba, referred to as Aynızarba or Anazarbus. About 70 km from Adana. north-east of the ancient city Dilekkaya village, 8 km from the earth combined with Sunbas Ceyhan river. on a hill north of the island that rises like.

The castle and the city, BC. IX. century, Cilicia was founded by the Assyrians seized or is estimated to have been built on an old settlement. The exact date is known as the ancient city of Anavarza, BC 1 Augustos'un century Emperor (BC 27 - AD 14) Roman Empire bağlamasıyla Anavarza'yı begins. City, during the reign of the Roman Empire was one of the most important centers of the region and major monuments in the city was built in honor of the Emperor.

However, looking with suspicion by historians claim it was established by the Assyrians are also available. According to this view, the Assyrians in Çukurova 50 - 60 years as a colonial territory in a short period of time, and they are the dominant use is a concern, the establishment of an ancient city like Anavarza not seem possible. Therefore, the 700-year periods as long as the Hittites dominated Anatolia, Çukurova, and therefore need to concentrate on.

Anavarza the castle and the city, a melting pot of various cultures and time to affect each other has been an important settlement. In an inscription found near the triumphal arch, two-time earthquake destroyed the city walls, and by whom, who is mentioned to have it repaired in time.

Yaşar Kemal's' İnce Memed Anavarza'da the novel contains a section.